Saturday, April 3, 2010

How using coupons helps me lose weight

I'm a big girl. I'm planning to have lap band surgery asap. Right now I'm working on my 6 months pre-surgery planning. I'm on a 1600 calorie a day diet, suppose to exercise (walk) 30 minutes per day.
I started my 6 month journey on March 1, 2010, shortly after I began using coupons in order to build a stockpile of items my family uses or needs.
To do this I have to do a lot of shopping, which means I'm on my feet walking, bending, stooping in the stores a lot.
It's air conditioned. If I get thirsty I can buy a drink. I'm not going to be bitten by a stray mutt, or mugged (hopefully) by an insane person while shopping at Walgreens or Rite Aid.
Since I began my major coupon expeditions and my weight loss journey I found that I was buying a lot of candy, as filler items so my coupons would 'work' out right at the register. Candy, because it's CHEAP, and I want my OOP to be as low as possible.
Well, candy---chocolate---is a down fall for me.
I have eaten way too much of it this month.
But---I have seriously increased my activity levels. I have walked at least 5 miles this week simply by shopping with coupons.
When I went for my 1 month check up on April 1st I was worried that all the candy had gotten to me, that I was going to be sadly embarrassed by a weight increase.
Instead, I had lost 4 pounds! I hadn't changed my eating habits at all. I might be eating less because I am busier setting up 'deals' and clipping coupons, but it also might be because I am walking a lot while shopping.
I'm hoping for more great results next month.
5 months until we send the request to my insurance company for me to have lap band surgery.
Maybe this time next year I'll be shopping for new clothes.

Thanks for reading my blog.
Don't forget to check out We Use Coupons and tell them julie.r0cks sent you!

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